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Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Social Shopping Business

Business Thursday: Social shopping enriches the shopping experience of consumers and offers some business opportunities. The opportunities to users are another way to find products and especially product recommendations and product reviews made by others. Depending of the features of a social shopping site members can take notes about desired products to bookmark and reseach items, discuss product features with others or share experiences. At some services there are product ratings and ratings for deals.

There are a couple of business opportunitis offered by social shopping sites. Some do share advertising revenue, some pay for reviews like it happens with paid posting at blogging and others do supply commerce widgets or even whole shops.

Favorite Thingz enables everyone to put a widget on a page with personal favorites. The items may be promoted at the web and social media services. Revenue becomes generated by selling a featured item.

Rate it all, Rasba and SharedReviews.com are shopping communities that do not require an own homepage to earn money. Rate it all is about reviews and does share the advertising revenue generated by activities. Rasba and SharedReviews.com both are social networking sites to discover new products and share them. Rasba pays, if an item is sold by the profile page, SharedReviews.com again shares the advertising revenue as well as possible commissions with the community.

The most comfortable solutions to participate in social shopping are own shops. Shop It and uSuggest are supplying customizable shopping sites or stores. Both are offering widgets to spread the products across the social web.

Social shopping sites are as social as the social web is. A strategy to get involved with own products is to encourage users to write reviews or to place a product widget at an own page or blog to facilitate a viral marketing effect. A solution to sell own products and to participate in social commerce is offered by Terapad.com. It is a shop solution equipped with blogging and social media marketing tools.

Click the following to find further social shopping pages.

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