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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Welcome to the emediablogger Weblog

About emediablogger, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

The emediablogger weblog is dedicated to internet and new media. It reports about innovative and new services like social media and user generated content suitable to everyone. Too, it informs about innovative business models of general interest as it happens at the blogosphere and the social web and in part about innovative internet marketing services for professional usage. The emediablogger weblog is written with expert and professional marketing knowledge.

Terms of Use

The emediablogger weblog contains links to third party services. The provider of the emediablogger weblog is not responsible for these services. If using those services the particular terms of those third parties apply.

Third party services, too, are part of the weblog itself. These are advertisements, search functions and similar services, which are usually indicated and become recognized by logos and the like. Pure third party text links, e.g. by affiliate programs, may appear within articles, too. Affiliate links are only used, if suitable and by this handled like usual third party links. The publisher of the emediablogger weblog, too, is not responsible for these services and if using those services the particular terms apply as it usually happens by third party services already mentioned above.

In part sponsoring messages or paid postings are published. These, too, are only used, if these are informative and suitable to the general content of the emediablogger weblog. Sponsored messages or paid postings are indicated by a sponsoring message at the end of a posting or within the text.

Last but not least and whereas the weblog is written by expert knowledge there is no warranty given that the service or information supplied meets particular requirement of the users. The publisher of the emediablogger weblog is not liable in any case of using the information. The user itself is responsible, if using the supplied information or using a linked service.

Privacy Policy

No personal data is required to use the emediablogger weblog. Anonymous data may become collected by third party services like advertising. Some of these services may use cookies. It is on behalf of the user and by its browser settings, if the browser does accept cookies and if by this particular data is collected.

To track the usage of the weblog third party analytics software is used This analytics software is supplied by Google Analytics of Google Inc.. Google Analytics uses cookies. Cookies are text files, which become stored at the computer of a user and which enable the analysis of the usage of the emediablogger weblog. The information gathered by these cookies includes data about the usage of the emediablogger weblog and the ip address of a user. Collected data is transfered to and stored at a Google server within the USA: Google uses this information to analyse and to generate reports about the usage for the publisher of the emediablogger service and to offer further services related to the usage of the emediablogger service and the internet. Google might transfer this information to third parties as long as this is required to analyse the data on behalf of Google or if this is required by law. In no circumstance will Google connect your ip address with other data collected by Google. You may deny the installation of cookies by the settings of your browser. But by doing the latter possibly you might not be able to use the full function of all features at the emediablogger site. By using the emediablogger service you agree to the processing and usage of data by Google as described above.

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