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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Short Films and Video Business

I became aware of some nice and new video sites, which are both great to view videos and for business.

At first there is Openfilm, a site dedicated to short films. It is an open place, where everyone can become a member for the purpose of watching videos, reviews or to connect with others to discuss or to do business. But as Openfilm wants to be a place for films of high quality, the content and especially the films are moderated. Film makers may run own channels and earn revenues by of revenue sharing. At Openfilm there are already a lot of well known internet celebrities represented.

Another site with nice short films is Coffee Shorts. They got nice films and are offering uploads and monetization, too. NomadsLand is dedicated to documentary films. It has a similar approach like Openfilm and enables watching and uploads, discussions and business networking.

1 Kommentare:

zzizzl said...

You should also check out http://www.zzizzl.com

At zzizzl you will find independent short films and videos you can buy for a very reasonable price with 50% of the profit going to the content creators and owners. zzizzl has been called 'iTunes for indie creators', is focused on download to own and encodes films and videos into over 15 different formats and resolutions so they play on most portable devices, from phones, iPods, PSPs, Archos, Zunes etc... It's portable entertainment that fits in your pocket.

There is a free download available to get a taste of the zzizzl experience.

zzizzl is open to submissions from all content creators.

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