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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Game Development Project

A different game development project has been started by BigPoint, which is an established portal for browser based games. BigPoint has launched a community for professional game developers called BigPoint DevLounge.

I wonder what is the reason for this step, which has to be described as strategic. Might it be the increasing competition by game developer communities, is it a way to reduce costs or to broaden the offering?

1 Kommentare:

Anonymous said...

Even the smallest developer its own play now correctly marked out leave.

This portal gives to provide many Browergame play developers the possibility their own creations for the exhibition and for it completely free of charge.

Everyone developed some Browsergame or still does, can its play here present and thus players for the own creations win.
A large advantage is that access to more than 60 million members.

In a general manner as Apple the Appstore functions also here. A play is examined by BigPoint for different factors such as technology and optics and made public already can one after possibly small rework it.

Importantly it sit here that BigPoint attaches great importance to freeness for the player.
A Item shop or at least small shops where one extras like a VIP account or other in addition to buy can is permitted. Here one must link however the number system of BigPoint and has thereby the possibility the work on the part of the developer around things such as collection to save.

My according to opinion this is a perfect place for each hobby play developer that always times its own Browsergame develops and marked out wanted around to experience like others this to play.

I hope my bad am English to excuse I am not fully powerful nevertheless a German and this language :)

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