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Monday, March 30, 2009

Cool Stuff: Personal Analytics

Klout is a service, that describes itself as personal analytics. By this tool one may measure its influence on the internet or the social web. Especially this might be interesting for bloggers and others, that are active in the semi professional environment of the social web with its business opportunities for everyone. By taking it serious one is able to analyze its own strengthes and to maximize the influence in particular communicaiton channels. This might be a well foundation to get into business with professional marketers, who are seeking influencers to spread their messages.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Blog Statistic Tool from BlogCatalog

BlogCatalog, a blogger community, has introduced a statistic tool suite for weblogs. The suite has the full functionality of up to date statistic tools, easy installation, real time data, tracking of visitors and traffic sources. There is a further point that might be of special interest. The statistic tool, too, is able to track Feedburner and Twitter subscribers.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Video Search Engine

A new video search engine had been started by Truveo, which is a video search engine itself. The new service, which has some interesting and unique features, is called ejeboo.

At first there is the interface of a visual search engine displaying the search results by movable thumbnail images. It becomes more interesting by the advanced search options. There are two remarkable search options, a search operator for relevance and one for freshness. Last but not least there is a further option to display search results in a carousel.

Best of all are some tools to receive updates about a query. These alert functions are available at the buttom of the page and one may receive updates by newsfeeds, email or on Twitter.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Personalized Internet News TV

1Cast is a further service changing the experience of television at the internet by supplying a new kind of video interface. 1Cast is an aggregator of news, which gets the content by partnerships with international news tv stations. It is both available at the web and by the mobile internet.

Whereas still in beta there is already an online interface available here. There are online streams and on demand news available. Users may search for news and create own video feeds, which personalizes the experience. It is not clear, if the registration is already available to everyone. At the homepage a registration form appears asking for an email address, whereas from within the pages a complete registration form appears.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Paid Blogging Network and Information

I came across an article about paid blogging, which reports about growth for this segment of blogvertising. This information is based on research and an interview with the CEO of Izea, the parent company of SocialSpark and the PayPerPost.com, who expects "high double-digit growth".

Paid Blogging Outlives the Fad Phase

There is a further blogvertising network mentioned at this article, which has not been covered here for now. This is LoudLaunch.com, which matches bloggers with advertisers for reviews. Further networks that have already been covered here are available by the tag blogvertising.

There are some particular requirements for this business like identification of sponsored messages. If you are a blogger and want to start earning money, you may read the introduction to earning with paid posts from the emediablogger weblog.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Online Video Cutter for YouTube Videos

An online video cutter for YouTube videos is provided by Splicd. This tool enables to cut out sequences of a video. Additionally a shortened link is supplied and a code to embed just the snippets.

I have not found an introduction at the page, but there is a simple and intuitive interface. One just has to copy the link of a video into the form and to name the starting and ending points of the desired sequence in minutes. Then just a click on the continue tab is needed to get the snipplet and the codes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

ffwd has launched a new Twitter Video Service

ffwd is a video destination with a lot of social networking features. Members may personalize and create own channels, search and share videos as well as getting recommendations. ffwd now has launched a new service called twitmatic. twitmatic is displaying up to date videos shared at Twitter and playing the videos within the site.

Actually the service is in beta and for sure there will come up further features. Wouldn't it be nice to personalize the service to get videos of interest? Tomorrow, 13th March, such thing happens. twitmatic will show videos from the SxSW media festival. As Twitter is fast some nice videos have to be expected. The internet address for this event is twitmatic.com/SxSW. For the schedule have a look at the SxSW homepage.

By the way, there is another Twitter video site. This is Twiddeo, which is both an aggregator and a tool to tweet videos.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3D Video Project and Video Player Software

Here is another 3d video project. It is called WOWvx, wihich is an activity by Philips Electronics. The project is already available at the internet with an own video sharing community, forum and even a 3d video player software. WOWvx itself is a 3d screen project based on stereoscopy. The WOWvx Player, which is available for free download, is supporting this technology in general, the proprietary WOWvx project and other stereoscopic standards. At all it is a modern video player software supporting common video standards and playlists, which may be installed on a computer.

For now I have not tried the software and do not now the kind of effects it may has on a usual screen. Further information and a forum is available here. At least the video sharing community should be worth a look to everyone.

Last but not least a link to another research project. The 3d4you is intended to develop a 3d tv system.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Chat to Text connects Web with Mobile Phones

Chat to Text is another application, that enables the connection of websites and mobile phones by text messaging. Opposed to the former introduced chat widgets it is not a tool for visual chat at a website, where mobile users may participate. Chat to Text is supplying a button, which may become installed at a website and which enables everyone to connect with the site or site owner by a click on this button.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Live Internet Video Streaming Solutions

The live video streaming site ustream.tv has launched a premium version suitable for more professional purposes. The new service is called Watershed and has a lot to offer. At all it is easy to implement and customizable like a typical white label solution. There is even an integrated chat, which seems not be available at the free version. It is a proven technology and the prices are affordable, one pays only the aggregated hours that have been watched.

The other service is payperlive, which is associated with the live streaming service Stickam. So the features are most similar, but there is a different service and payment plan. payperlive helps designing a page, has a set up fee and fixed prices. Furthermore the service enables to sell tickets for live events.

Changes at emediablogger and emediablogger @Twitter

The change concerns how posts are streamed to Twitter and the frequency of posts at the emediablogger blog as well as the german audience (now there exists a german version, too.). Others of course are invited, too.

There have been less posts here, because I started two blogs with similar content at my main project FOLDEN.INFO and wanted to avoid duplicate content at the emediablogger Twitter account, where all posts of all blogs have been aggregated. So the following is especially important to Twitter followers who are interested in the internet marketing and emedia posts of FOLDEN and the german audience.

Posts at emediablogger will happen more frequently again, but the posts of the FOLDEN Internet Marketing Blog and FOLDEN eMedia Blog will no longer be available at emediablogger @ Twitter. If you like to follow the FOLDEN posts, you may either subscribe to the internet marketing and emedia feeds or follow both at folden.info @ Twitter.

To the german audience now there are two german spoken blogs available: FOLDEN.DE Internet Marketing (feed) and FOLDEN.DE eMedia (feed). Too, posts of both blogs are available at folden.de @ Twitter.

I guess it is useful to you and and I hope you enjoy the content and will update your subscriptions to your convenience and keep following. And I guess it is necessary as I do not want to become known as the first twammer (I meant Twitter Spammer. Is there already a name for this?).

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