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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Panorama Video Solution

TechCrunch had a coverage of the Microsoft TechFest, where a technology most similar to the covered Photosynth service has been introduced. Photosynth combines several photos to one zoomable 3d image. So the new application, which is still a research project with no particular name, is doing the same for video by combining several video streams to a panorama video. This all happens while sending even independently mobile streams to a server. If the server finds same elements within several videos, it will combine the particular videos to one video stream. On the producer side oppostite to other panorama video solutions like Immersive Media there is no expensive equipment needed, the application will even work with live video streamed from mobile phones.

Below there is a video introduction and the TechCrunch article may be found here

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

YouTube enhances the interactive Video Experience

YouTube has made a further step to give more interactivity to videos. An enhancement has been made to the Video Annotations feature, which has been covered here. Video Annotations do enable a video producer to add comments and further information like texts to a video. Now people may open up this feature to collaborate with others or enable other people to add annotations to an own video. This feature has been introduced at the YouTube Blog.

This is great and reminds on video discussion services like Seesmic.. Too, there is a relationship to an early but still active similar approach called hypertext fiction or collaborative writing. The term hypertext fiction describes a literary approach, where people write together a story. While one clicks through such a story, there is just one beginning but several ways to come to the end.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Easy Website Chat as a Sidebar or by Widgets

Webby Chat is an easy to install chat for blogs and websites. The chat window simply becomes installed by a code snippet and may be used at websites or blogs. To be installed at blogs a widget code is offered. A nice feature is the possibility to hide the sidebar. By this the chat has no need for additional space within a site.

The service is a work in progress. Whereas it is fully functionable, further features will be added. As it often happens, people are welcome to submit their feedback and to submit own ideas for new features. The service is free. Later on the a full version with more features might be offered for a fee.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The CastTV Video Search Engine

CastTV is a video search engine with some great and unique features. The search results are clustered by video related issues. Exemplarily the content is distinguished by full length shows or short videos, free or premium content, user generated content or professionally produced videos.

And the term tv in Cast TV is suitable indeed. The first tab of the menu is dedicated to tv content and by pulling down the menu one finds tv shows and a tv guide. Nice features come up by the second menu. By top viral videos one become aware about hottest buzz videos on the web. At video reviews there video features with some background information.

The clustering of the search results seems to be an essential part of the search engine, as at about there is a statement that access to video needs to become easier.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Widgets for Chat, Polls and Web Stats

99widgets is offering several useful web apps to become installed at social network sites, blogs and elsewhere.

At first there is 99chats, another widget for chat and live communications within social networks.

For those who want to know more about their users or to make some research there is 99polls. This app is available in various languages. Members may create own polls or share interesting polls of others by integrating it into own sites.

Last but not least there is 99counters for web statistics. The counter displays the number of visitors online and their locations as well as all time and daily visitors.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bidvertiser now offers Newsfeed Advertising

Bidvertiser, a pay per click advertising network, has added feed advertising to its service and joins the rather rare spreaded other feed advertising services. Too, Bidvertiser is offering an affiliate program, which pays for referred advertisers and publishers.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Tool to transform MMOG into Flashgames

CNet has published a most interesting article about a tool to transform 3d games into 2d games, which probably will have a major impact on gaming and which merges the web with mmog games.

It is really revolutionary, which already shows the fact that there never has been developed a game for these two different platforms. But the successions are even better. This enables to interact by using the flash format of a game with 3d gaming worlds, which usually require to install a software. And by using the flash format one may install a game at third party and social networking sites to play with people within a massively multiplayer online games environment. There are even further options mentioned at the CNet article like offering downsized versions for promotional purposes as mmog environment mostly have great 3d environments.

If you like to see a showcase how a 3d game looks in 2d or like to play, visit Battle.

The tool has been developed by Multiverse Networks. The company, which provides a platform to develop mmog games, is running some further interesting projects. At first there is (actually in beta) Metaplace, an online service enabling everyone to create its own virtual world. The second one is My Places (Introduction). It is a browser and software, which connects several different virtual worlds, which lets users create a virtual identity and social network. This approach is most similar to the Open Grid project. The My Places service is already working, the software can be downloaded here.

Find further articles about virtual reality.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

A large Podcast Directory

I am actually digging through some older resources and sometimes I do find something remarkable. Sometimes this makes me wonder as I am permanently looking for good services. In this case I found a large and very active podcast directory with thousands of podcasts, which is frequently adding new podcasts. The directory I had never heard about before is Podcast Zoom. There is a well assorted directory at the homepage and the search engine is working fine. Podcasters may add their podcasts.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Community for Bloggers and Blog Readers

RSS Hugger is a community for blog readers and bloggers. It is all about blogging. The community is a platform for readers to connect with bloggers and for bloggers to network. Bloggers may install a profile page at RSS Hugger. There are a couple of useful functions supplied to all parties like a blog toplists and a blog directory. Actually there are 3678 feeds listed.

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