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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Advertising System for Bloggers

EntryAds.com is an advertising system for bloggers. The service is serving text and image ads with the image ad having a width of 125 px, which is most suitable for blogs. The ad serving happens by widgets, which have to be installed on the blogs. Advertisers are able to bit for the ad space to place ads on particular sites. Payments happen by PayPal.

A further introduction to the service is available by the tour at the EntryAds.com homepage.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Blogger News Rating Service

Pikk is a new news rating site, that has just launched. The service is dedicated to social new supplied by bloggers. News may be submitted at the homepage. By a supplied badge votings for an article at the site of origing is possible. Too, the service has social networking functions.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Online Videos with Surround View

Immersive Media has already been introduced here. The service is offering a video solution enabling online video with a 360 degree surround view. Lately the service has put some examples onto the website. The application does not require additional software and is navigable by standard web browsers. The navigation within the videos happens by moving the mouse cursor around. Here are the videos.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Free 3D Software with Game Development Kit

Hi there. This blog has taken a break, but new posts will come up again occasionally. I start over with a 3d graphic software, which has already been mentioned in the article The next big Thing, 3D Monitors and Virtual Reality.

It concerns the 3d software Blender, which is open source and free. This free software too includes game development tools, which enable to develop 3d games. Further information is available by the following article:

The Blender Gamekit Book: Make 3D Games With Blender

Monday, July 13, 2009

Live HD Video of the Endeavour Launch

The launch of Endeavour Space Shuttle will be streamed live on the web by . A special website by the NASA has been installed at SpaceVidCast.com. The live stream is enabled by the personal broadcasting service ustream.tv, where another presence is located with chat and full screen features.

The NASA is most active on the internet and offering another video site at NASA TV. There occasionally live streams from the ISS are broadcasted, complete missions and educational stuff.

The correction above has been caused by a comment written by an operator of SpaceVidCast.com. SpaceVidCast.com generally streams space related streams. There is no involvement of the NASA in this site.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another Twitter Business Option

Lately there has been a direct post to the emediablogger Twitter account about TweetBucks, which is an affiliate network enabling Twitter users to earn affiliate commissions with their posts. Now Adweek reports that PayPerPost is preparing to offer a feature, which will enable users to earn money by tweeting. PayPerPost is a blogvertising network, that facilitates advertising at blogs by sponsored blog posts.

And indeed there happens something at the PayPerPost homepage, which has launched a new version of the service called PayPerPost v 4.0. Opposite to this I wonder why AdWeek is calling the service "Izea, formerly called Pay Per Post", whereas there is the v 4.0 version.

In the following there is the complete AdWeek article:
Get Ready for Pay per Tweet

By the way. If you are in the information business and if you are able to deliver premium news, who may try TwitPub. TwitPub enables to create premium Twitter channels, which let users earn money by their tweets.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Twitter integrated Pixel Advertising Page

Do you remember the good old days of pixel advertising, just a couple of years ago, when Alex Tew made one million dollar by the MillionDollarHomepage?

Now another project is placing Twitter avatars in a similar arrangement. Million Dollar Follow is working like a typical Twitter application. It is completely integrated and uses the Twitter account data to login. The site offers free advertising by placing an avatar in a grid. By clicking on the menu tab "Free Ad" one becomes redirected to a login page. After entering the data the avatar used at Twitter becomes automaticly placed on the grid and will refer to the own Twitter page.

Call it funny or useful, I thought about avatar advertising. The site even offers rewards. Members may win up to one million followers.

By the way, I gave the pixel advertising business a try, too. You may have a look at
MillionPixelMirror, which even has an own blog dedicated to pixel advertising. It is a vertical with photo and video adverts. If you are running a related site, give it a try. Advertising is free actually.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Great new Music Site with DJ Sets and Live Recordings

play.fm is a great new music portal to listen to original recordings of music played at music clubs. The site lists dj sets, radio shows and live recordings at clubs. There are about 12000 dj sets with electronic music and techno, jazz and reggae available. The music can be listened by a website player. The player has some outstanding features. It is able to mark particular tracks within the sets to discuss the music at a wiki of the website. By its upload facilities at the same time play.fm is a promotion platform for dj's, labels and clubs.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Game Development Project

A different game development project has been started by BigPoint, which is an established portal for browser based games. BigPoint has launched a community for professional game developers called BigPoint DevLounge.

I wonder what is the reason for this step, which has to be described as strategic. Might it be the increasing competition by game developer communities, is it a way to reduce costs or to broaden the offering?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mobile Game Creation Software

A new mobile game software and portal had been launched by Mo'Minis. The service offers a free software for the creation of mobile games. The software enables both laities and professionals to easily design games, which are compatible with various mobile platforms and may be shared at the homepage or directly with friends. Other services are awards and a forum. The software is available for Windows XP and Vista. Further information is available by the faq of the homepage and by video tutorials.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some Facts about Bloggers and the Blogosphere

The Wall Street Journal has published an interesting article about bloggers and the blogosphere, which summarizes some facts. According to the article below today there are as many professional bloggers in the US today as there are lawyers. 20 million US citizens are blogging, 1.7 million do earn some money and about a half million is financing their life by blogging.

America's Newest Profession: Bloggers for Hire

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Social Media Music Charts

A great source for music at the social web has been launched. We are Hunted is a music chart service, which is based on the popularity of music at the social web. The service measures the popularity at blogs, forums and media sharing sites.

The service has a great design and enables to listen to the chart music directly from within the site by an integrated music player. There are daily and monthly charts as well as charts for the whole year. By a menu tab called 'Artists' one may access artist profiles by images. The profile pages offer further information about artists, links and have a player, too, to listen to choosen music of particular musicians.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

BloggersBase merges Blogging with Citizen Journalism

One may describe BloggersBase is a new blogging or a writers community. It is a blog hosting service and citizen journalism site at the same time, but it has a strong focus on journalism. The blogs are rather the medium and used for the technical realization.

It is a site with a very modern touch, that integrates various social networking means for both authors and readers. Authors have their own blogs, where all of the written stories are gathered. Additionally stories may become rated to be displayed at the homepage. Actually there is no concrete business opportunity offered to writers, but authors may gain reputation and win cash prizes for featured stories.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

VodPod Video Search Engine and Video Services

VodPod is something like an all in one video site, not all but a lot. At first it is a video sharing site with an up to date video search engine. The search enables to search for videos at the web, the site itself and displays shared videos in realtime. Other ways to discover videos are by popularity, genres and tagging.

To members some further tools and services are available. People may create video widgets to display their collections at third party sites and blogs. Best of all might be a community feature, which enables the creation of whole video sites. This community feature is available in a basic free version and a premium version with business opportunities by advertising.

Friday, April 10, 2009

List of Social Media Sites

SiteRapture is new social rating service for web applications and websites. They have released a new category with a list of social media websites. The list is designed like a catalogue, which enables to search for various kind of social networking sites.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Microblogging and Video Sharing with Gawkk

Gawkk is a well designed new microblogging service dedicated to video sharing with some great social networking features.

What makes the service really convenient is the player, which appears by a click on the title of a post. If done, a video player comes up just below the post and ready for viewing. At second a lot of social networking features are included. Below the posts, which are of typical length, there is a comment feature for discussions and a link to video rating. By another click a menu appears with several sharing codes for link sharing or to embed the video elsewhere.

To find videos there are a directory and channels and to find like minded people there is a profile directory at Gawkk.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cool Stuff: Personal Analytics

Klout is a service, that describes itself as personal analytics. By this tool one may measure its influence on the internet or the social web. Especially this might be interesting for bloggers and others, that are active in the semi professional environment of the social web with its business opportunities for everyone. By taking it serious one is able to analyze its own strengthes and to maximize the influence in particular communicaiton channels. This might be a well foundation to get into business with professional marketers, who are seeking influencers to spread their messages.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Blog Statistic Tool from BlogCatalog

BlogCatalog, a blogger community, has introduced a statistic tool suite for weblogs. The suite has the full functionality of up to date statistic tools, easy installation, real time data, tracking of visitors and traffic sources. There is a further point that might be of special interest. The statistic tool, too, is able to track Feedburner and Twitter subscribers.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Video Search Engine

A new video search engine had been started by Truveo, which is a video search engine itself. The new service, which has some interesting and unique features, is called ejeboo.

At first there is the interface of a visual search engine displaying the search results by movable thumbnail images. It becomes more interesting by the advanced search options. There are two remarkable search options, a search operator for relevance and one for freshness. Last but not least there is a further option to display search results in a carousel.

Best of all are some tools to receive updates about a query. These alert functions are available at the buttom of the page and one may receive updates by newsfeeds, email or on Twitter.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Personalized Internet News TV

1Cast is a further service changing the experience of television at the internet by supplying a new kind of video interface. 1Cast is an aggregator of news, which gets the content by partnerships with international news tv stations. It is both available at the web and by the mobile internet.

Whereas still in beta there is already an online interface available here. There are online streams and on demand news available. Users may search for news and create own video feeds, which personalizes the experience. It is not clear, if the registration is already available to everyone. At the homepage a registration form appears asking for an email address, whereas from within the pages a complete registration form appears.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Paid Blogging Network and Information

I came across an article about paid blogging, which reports about growth for this segment of blogvertising. This information is based on research and an interview with the CEO of Izea, the parent company of SocialSpark and the PayPerPost.com, who expects "high double-digit growth".

Paid Blogging Outlives the Fad Phase

There is a further blogvertising network mentioned at this article, which has not been covered here for now. This is LoudLaunch.com, which matches bloggers with advertisers for reviews. Further networks that have already been covered here are available by the tag blogvertising.

There are some particular requirements for this business like identification of sponsored messages. If you are a blogger and want to start earning money, you may read the introduction to earning with paid posts from the emediablogger weblog.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Online Video Cutter for YouTube Videos

An online video cutter for YouTube videos is provided by Splicd. This tool enables to cut out sequences of a video. Additionally a shortened link is supplied and a code to embed just the snippets.

I have not found an introduction at the page, but there is a simple and intuitive interface. One just has to copy the link of a video into the form and to name the starting and ending points of the desired sequence in minutes. Then just a click on the continue tab is needed to get the snipplet and the codes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

ffwd has launched a new Twitter Video Service

ffwd is a video destination with a lot of social networking features. Members may personalize and create own channels, search and share videos as well as getting recommendations. ffwd now has launched a new service called twitmatic. twitmatic is displaying up to date videos shared at Twitter and playing the videos within the site.

Actually the service is in beta and for sure there will come up further features. Wouldn't it be nice to personalize the service to get videos of interest? Tomorrow, 13th March, such thing happens. twitmatic will show videos from the SxSW media festival. As Twitter is fast some nice videos have to be expected. The internet address for this event is twitmatic.com/SxSW. For the schedule have a look at the SxSW homepage.

By the way, there is another Twitter video site. This is Twiddeo, which is both an aggregator and a tool to tweet videos.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3D Video Project and Video Player Software

Here is another 3d video project. It is called WOWvx, wihich is an activity by Philips Electronics. The project is already available at the internet with an own video sharing community, forum and even a 3d video player software. WOWvx itself is a 3d screen project based on stereoscopy. The WOWvx Player, which is available for free download, is supporting this technology in general, the proprietary WOWvx project and other stereoscopic standards. At all it is a modern video player software supporting common video standards and playlists, which may be installed on a computer.

For now I have not tried the software and do not now the kind of effects it may has on a usual screen. Further information and a forum is available here. At least the video sharing community should be worth a look to everyone.

Last but not least a link to another research project. The 3d4you is intended to develop a 3d tv system.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Chat to Text connects Web with Mobile Phones

Chat to Text is another application, that enables the connection of websites and mobile phones by text messaging. Opposed to the former introduced chat widgets it is not a tool for visual chat at a website, where mobile users may participate. Chat to Text is supplying a button, which may become installed at a website and which enables everyone to connect with the site or site owner by a click on this button.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Live Internet Video Streaming Solutions

The live video streaming site ustream.tv has launched a premium version suitable for more professional purposes. The new service is called Watershed and has a lot to offer. At all it is easy to implement and customizable like a typical white label solution. There is even an integrated chat, which seems not be available at the free version. It is a proven technology and the prices are affordable, one pays only the aggregated hours that have been watched.

The other service is payperlive, which is associated with the live streaming service Stickam. So the features are most similar, but there is a different service and payment plan. payperlive helps designing a page, has a set up fee and fixed prices. Furthermore the service enables to sell tickets for live events.

Changes at emediablogger and emediablogger @Twitter

The change concerns how posts are streamed to Twitter and the frequency of posts at the emediablogger blog as well as the german audience (now there exists a german version, too.). Others of course are invited, too.

There have been less posts here, because I started two blogs with similar content at my main project FOLDEN.INFO and wanted to avoid duplicate content at the emediablogger Twitter account, where all posts of all blogs have been aggregated. So the following is especially important to Twitter followers who are interested in the internet marketing and emedia posts of FOLDEN and the german audience.

Posts at emediablogger will happen more frequently again, but the posts of the FOLDEN Internet Marketing Blog and FOLDEN eMedia Blog will no longer be available at emediablogger @ Twitter. If you like to follow the FOLDEN posts, you may either subscribe to the internet marketing and emedia feeds or follow both at folden.info @ Twitter.

To the german audience now there are two german spoken blogs available: FOLDEN.DE Internet Marketing (feed) and FOLDEN.DE eMedia (feed). Too, posts of both blogs are available at folden.de @ Twitter.

I guess it is useful to you and and I hope you enjoy the content and will update your subscriptions to your convenience and keep following. And I guess it is necessary as I do not want to become known as the first twammer (I meant Twitter Spammer. Is there already a name for this?).

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Panorama Video Solution

TechCrunch had a coverage of the Microsoft TechFest, where a technology most similar to the covered Photosynth service has been introduced. Photosynth combines several photos to one zoomable 3d image. So the new application, which is still a research project with no particular name, is doing the same for video by combining several video streams to a panorama video. This all happens while sending even independently mobile streams to a server. If the server finds same elements within several videos, it will combine the particular videos to one video stream. On the producer side oppostite to other panorama video solutions like Immersive Media there is no expensive equipment needed, the application will even work with live video streamed from mobile phones.

Below there is a video introduction and the TechCrunch article may be found here

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

YouTube enhances the interactive Video Experience

YouTube has made a further step to give more interactivity to videos. An enhancement has been made to the Video Annotations feature, which has been covered here. Video Annotations do enable a video producer to add comments and further information like texts to a video. Now people may open up this feature to collaborate with others or enable other people to add annotations to an own video. This feature has been introduced at the YouTube Blog.

This is great and reminds on video discussion services like Seesmic.. Too, there is a relationship to an early but still active similar approach called hypertext fiction or collaborative writing. The term hypertext fiction describes a literary approach, where people write together a story. While one clicks through such a story, there is just one beginning but several ways to come to the end.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Easy Website Chat as a Sidebar or by Widgets

Webby Chat is an easy to install chat for blogs and websites. The chat window simply becomes installed by a code snippet and may be used at websites or blogs. To be installed at blogs a widget code is offered. A nice feature is the possibility to hide the sidebar. By this the chat has no need for additional space within a site.

The service is a work in progress. Whereas it is fully functionable, further features will be added. As it often happens, people are welcome to submit their feedback and to submit own ideas for new features. The service is free. Later on the a full version with more features might be offered for a fee.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The CastTV Video Search Engine

CastTV is a video search engine with some great and unique features. The search results are clustered by video related issues. Exemplarily the content is distinguished by full length shows or short videos, free or premium content, user generated content or professionally produced videos.

And the term tv in Cast TV is suitable indeed. The first tab of the menu is dedicated to tv content and by pulling down the menu one finds tv shows and a tv guide. Nice features come up by the second menu. By top viral videos one become aware about hottest buzz videos on the web. At video reviews there video features with some background information.

The clustering of the search results seems to be an essential part of the search engine, as at about there is a statement that access to video needs to become easier.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Widgets for Chat, Polls and Web Stats

99widgets is offering several useful web apps to become installed at social network sites, blogs and elsewhere.

At first there is 99chats, another widget for chat and live communications within social networks.

For those who want to know more about their users or to make some research there is 99polls. This app is available in various languages. Members may create own polls or share interesting polls of others by integrating it into own sites.

Last but not least there is 99counters for web statistics. The counter displays the number of visitors online and their locations as well as all time and daily visitors.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bidvertiser now offers Newsfeed Advertising

Bidvertiser, a pay per click advertising network, has added feed advertising to its service and joins the rather rare spreaded other feed advertising services. Too, Bidvertiser is offering an affiliate program, which pays for referred advertisers and publishers.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Tool to transform MMOG into Flashgames

CNet has published a most interesting article about a tool to transform 3d games into 2d games, which probably will have a major impact on gaming and which merges the web with mmog games.

It is really revolutionary, which already shows the fact that there never has been developed a game for these two different platforms. But the successions are even better. This enables to interact by using the flash format of a game with 3d gaming worlds, which usually require to install a software. And by using the flash format one may install a game at third party and social networking sites to play with people within a massively multiplayer online games environment. There are even further options mentioned at the CNet article like offering downsized versions for promotional purposes as mmog environment mostly have great 3d environments.

If you like to see a showcase how a 3d game looks in 2d or like to play, visit Battle.

The tool has been developed by Multiverse Networks. The company, which provides a platform to develop mmog games, is running some further interesting projects. At first there is (actually in beta) Metaplace, an online service enabling everyone to create its own virtual world. The second one is My Places (Introduction). It is a browser and software, which connects several different virtual worlds, which lets users create a virtual identity and social network. This approach is most similar to the Open Grid project. The My Places service is already working, the software can be downloaded here.

Find further articles about virtual reality.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

A large Podcast Directory

I am actually digging through some older resources and sometimes I do find something remarkable. Sometimes this makes me wonder as I am permanently looking for good services. In this case I found a large and very active podcast directory with thousands of podcasts, which is frequently adding new podcasts. The directory I had never heard about before is Podcast Zoom. There is a well assorted directory at the homepage and the search engine is working fine. Podcasters may add their podcasts.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Community for Bloggers and Blog Readers

RSS Hugger is a community for blog readers and bloggers. It is all about blogging. The community is a platform for readers to connect with bloggers and for bloggers to network. Bloggers may install a profile page at RSS Hugger. There are a couple of useful functions supplied to all parties like a blog toplists and a blog directory. Actually there are 3678 feeds listed.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Comparison of HD Video Services at the Internet

Cnet's Webware did a test of hd video services at the internet, which has started to become a common standard at the internet. Nice to know, today the internet with its 1 billion netizens is the largest unique hd platform, no other platform can compete with this reach.

The Webware test compared six internet video services with hd quality. Part of the comparison has been image quality of still and moving images. But what to internet users might be more important are factors like maximal length and storage, which is shown in a nice chart. So the test is fine, but it does not embrace all hd video services at the internet. There are some more hd video services and some are specialized in professional or semi professional usage. If you like a broader choice, click here for further hd video services.

Which HD video Web service is the best?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shopping TV at the Internet

This service looks a bit strange to savvy internet users. Honeyshed is something like shopping tv brought to the internet. It is rather pure tv and nearly without interactivity and tools for sharing. To buy the featured products one needs to become a member.

Interactive Video and Commerce Solution

evenhere is offering a complete interactive video solution for commercial usage. Whereas other solutions have not been analyzed regarding the readiness for commercial use, it seems that evenhere has something unique to offer. Beside a content management system the solution has a product management modul. By this modul retailers are able to choose products from a database to become shown within a video. Furthermore a key issue of the solution is the ease of navigation, which makes it simple for users to navigate the application even with a remote control on tv sets.

Last but not least an up to date study has shown that about 60 % of marketers are totally aware about interactive video features and aim to employ this technology soon. Here you may find an introduction to this online video study.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

This Interactive Video Feature deserves Ovations

Innovid, a provider of an interactive clickable video solution, has put a demo video on its website that deserves applause. One may even describe it as an art piece. They have integrated a couple of possible features, even a playable ping pong video game and clickable rss feeds. Everything happens within a living room. By two tabs at the left and at the right one may change the scene and various elements within the video are clickable. This is the best feature of interactive video I have seen for now. The video is available at the Innovid homepage.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A free File Hosting Service that Pays

The file hosting service Uploading.com offers free hosting and an affiliate program that pays for free downloads and file sharing. The amount paid is up to 2 Cents per download (usually 1Cent), which means up to 20 Dollars for 1000 free downloads.

That may sound strange, but it makes sense. Hosting and internet traffic prices have become more affordable and 1 Cent per download looks like a minimal amount beside the costs of the infrastructure. Furthermore there are free and premium accounts offered, by which the additional costs may become compensated. Looks a bit like paradise.

Here you may find further file hosting services.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Something more about 3D Screens

There have been a couple of articles about 3d screens and technologies at this blog beside virtual reality issues. Some have been about new graphic programs using algorithms to make 3d a reality and others about manufacturers offering 3d ready screens and even tv sets.

Today I read an article reporting about new products introduced at the CES. These products are tv sets using a technology that already has been applied in the fifties or sixties, which is using glasses for a 3d experience. Whereas I know from modern 3d cinema that 3d with glasses is a real great experience I wonder how this is related to up to date technologies, which makes 3d a reality by using software. Related to 3d without this old technology the article mentions various difficulties from production to technological issues.

Various I am not an expert in this field, this seems to be a strange case to me. Opposite to the mentioned arguments I wonder, if this might be an issue of different technological developments and worlds. The latter is something I have often recognized related to the internet elite and old media. The approach at the article claims that there are various cameras needed to make a 3d movie. How does this match with the mathematical approach of 3d software, which is even able to generate a 3d image from existing 2d footage? Wouldn't it be easier and more favorable to develop a new system that digitally store data instead of employing an analog approach using several cameras, which at the end obliges the viewer to wear glasses?

3D is coming to a living room near you

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The FOLDEN Gagdet is here

As announced here comes the news section of FOLDEN.INFO. I realized it by using Google Gadgets. You may share the news by using the customizable gadget on a blog, website or within your Google account. Just click on the Google button and you will become relocated to a page with further information. Elsewise you may have a look or fetch it from within the website.

Visit my Google Friend Connect

Business Thursday: I set up a Google Friend Connect community at an associated website, which can be visited here and like to share some experiences. Probably you have already heard about Google Friend Connect and others aggregated social networking services, which do enable social networking features at third party websites like aggregated access to these social networking features to users and to connect with others across the web. This kind of feature has been covered at this blog by the term immersive web. To be named other popular aggregators are Facebook Connect, MySpace Open Platform and last but not least the open source initiative OpenID.

Advantages of these service are the easy access to websites for users without submitting a broad range of data at every service visited and to have their friends with them. Especially to small publishers it is an opportunity to get community features on a website as developing an community is not an easy task. Further interesting opportunities by aggregated networks do arise to advertisers as describe at this article.

Actually I have started to use Google Friend Connect at one of my websites, FOLDEN.INFO. My experience for now is that it is easy to start using the service. This is done by an easy to use webbased configurator without programming scills. Beside a code just two files have to be put into the directory of a website and the service is ready to work. Another reason to recommend Google Friend Connect as a website feature are the various ways to join such a website community. This may happen by account data of popular services and by OpenID.

Next I will enrich the FOLDEN.INFO website by putting some information onto the directory pages from integrated blogs. To do this I have searched for a feed mashup tool yesterday. I wanted to try something new, but found my own site and within the site RSS Mix. This works fine and I may warmly recommend FOLDEN.INFO as a source for marketing, tools and up to date services. So have a look for Google Friend Connect on FOLDEN.INFO, you are welcome.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Twitter Client and Social Network Aggregator

PeopleBrowsr is a comfortable new social network aggregator and twitter client. The online service enables to follow friends at various networks and to make posts from within the webapp. What makes it a comfortable tool is the ability to arrange groups of people or interests within customizable seperate windows and across various networks. By this one may arrange particular windows for particular purposes like events, news or friends.

Actually PeopleBrowsr is still in alpha but public. Login is most easy by using Twitter user data, just an email address needs to be supplied.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Social Media Advertising and Website Revenues

Lookery is an interesting service with an interesting business model. The service is offering web analytics and audience analytics to publishers for free. These stats include relevant keywords and demographic data. The data becomes available by aggregated data of web usage and visits to third party sites, where anonymized registration data is shared. If the website of a publisher has a login area, too, the registration data may become used to generate revenues by being shared anonymously.

The business of Lookery is to offer advertising opportunities based on the data across the social web and to share the anonymized data with advertising networks. It is one of the biggest social media advertising networks displaying about 3 billion ad impressions every month. To publishers it is a monetization opportunity without displaying ads.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Marketplace for Texts and Writing

Business Thursday: Texts of course are an essential element of the family of content. Especially in the online world there are various purposes for texts. Exemplary there is text as content itself or texts optimized to improve the appearance and ranking at search engines.

Contentworld is an online marketplace for texts. The service matches authors with buyers of text content. People may upload texts or write on behalf of someone and earn money. In the opposite way buyers may search for content or submit requests on specific topics. Writers are free to set the price for written texts. For orders the price may become negotiated between both parties.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Another Social Search Engine

This second post today about social search is dedicated to Artiklz, which has just has come out of private beta and which is now available to everyone. Artiklz is both, a social web search engine to find issues on the social web and a social media search engine offering personalization. There are member areas for readers and publishers. To readers there are aggregation functions to access favorite media within the account. To publishers there are various promotional tools

WhosTalkin searches the Social Web

WhosTalkin.com is a new search engine targeting content at the social web. It works with a proprietary technology and connects to various important social media gateways, where the search engine is looking for conversations. One may see the connected services by doing a test query. The services are listed at the left within a menu.

The search engine is suitable for personal and professional research. At the bottom of the left menu (of the serps) there are further tools available, which do make WhosTalkin.com even usable for media monitoring.

Yahoo Widgets used in a further Interactive TV Project

Yahoo has made other announcement about the use of its widget platform to be used for interactive tv. This time cooperation with Samsung has been communicated. Formerly in August a cooperation with Intel was announced.

The cooperation with Samsung has a clear time table and first tv sets equipped with the yahoo widget engine will already be available within 2009. So one may already talk about a product. By the availability of widgets at the tv set people will be able to receive personal information and to communicate. The platform is most flexible and new applications may become developed by using tools of Yahoo Widgets.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Personal Broadcasting from Smartphones and the Web

Bambuser provides an application for live broadcasting. The service enables to broadcast by digital cams, webcams and from equipped smartphones. Mobile broadcasts may happen by connection to GSM Networks or Wifi. If there is only a slow connections available, the quality of a stream may become adjusted by the image size. Further features are sharing of archived videos and a chat function within the video player.

To watch videos there are a search engine and a geographical assorted directory available at the homepage. Further general information and information on how to download the application are available at the FAQ page.

New Twitter Web Interface with Aggregation Functions

TweeTree is a nice new Twitter web interface, which integrates a couple of other social media services. The integration happens by displaying the content a link within a message is referring to. If a link refers to one of the integrated services, the linked message will be displayed. For example if someone links an image on Flickr or a video on YouTube, these media will be displayed within the tweet. This might be most useful to someone who is often sharing media on Twitter.

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