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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Social Media Software for Citizen Entrepreneurs

Social media already lets everyone participate in business by commerce widgets and other revenue sharing models. Some social media software suppliers do enable citizens to run and manage a whole social media communty. This becomes feasible by software as a service and is not necessarily limited to private usage.

Such a community service is supplied by slinkset.com. The basic setting is a news sharing service with popularity index and user news submissions. The communities are customizable and other features like voting and requests may become added. This all gets a professional touch by the ability to put the community into an own domain.

Webjam offers a hosted social media software dedicated to content sharing and social networking. It starts the same way with a basic template and is designed for private as well as for professional usage. By enabling members to connect it is a social network of social networks.

Ning is something like a pioneer in this business and has one of the most flexible solutions. Ning is both, a service offering social media software for everyone by ready to use solutions and a hosted software solution and platform for developers. New developed communities again may become used by others to generate a similar service. By this there is a broad range of solutions available for nearly every purpose. They got an own framework to customize existing solutions and to develop completely new social networking services. Here are examples of some of the popular hosted social networks.

Find more social media software by this source.

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